Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How much does it cost to replace tie rods in a dodge neon?

I need to replace both tie rods in my 2001 dodge neon. Any ideas on how much that is going to cost me? Thanks for the help!|||my sons car RF tie rod broke off at the ball joint, bought one for 26bucks at parts store , with common tools we had it fixed in a hour, I've done this before, if you have no talent or tools , the shop will charge you $65 to look at the problem, and $65 a hr. times 2 to repair, plus the parts at there cost , then charge you for a front end alignment ,my guess is somewhere in the ballpark of $250, the new tie rods come with zert grease fittings , get it fix and keep them greased, ad void pot holes,|||cheap. parts prob like 30-40 bucks at napa auto parts or your local auto store. and then the labor 50-75 bucks at a local repair shop or it might be more expensive at a midas, or a les shwab tires....

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