Saturday, November 19, 2011

How long would a 1996 dodge dakota V8 run for?

Im looking at a 1996 dodge dakota SLT with a 5.2 liter V8, it is a good shape and looks to be very well taken care of. The truck has 144,000 miles on it and i am woundering typicaly how many miles you could put on a truck like this.|||they last real good if you,ll change the timing chain and gears in them around the 150 thousand mile mark,i own two dakota,s and both of them run real good, both are high mileage,like 220 on one and about 160 on the other one,the only problems you might have from it will be the transmission may give some problems in it around the 200 thousand mile mark,i put one in my truck a few weeks ago,it made it to 220 thousand though,other than that if you,ll keep up with the maintenance on it you should get some more miles from it,no one can say for sure how long the one your buying might last,but they do hold up pretty well,good luck.|||it really depends on how previous owners have treated the truck. if it was taken care of the truck should be good for at least 250,000 if it wasnt then it could be at the end of its life. best to listen to the engine if it sounds good then it should be ok. check the oil fill cap and dip stick. if it looks a grayish color then its no good. check radiater for dark brown color could mean inside of block is rusty.|||I put 300,000 on mine.

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